Eyelash extensions make you look glamorous and enable you to go out with the least makeup every morning. So, they don’t just enhance your look, but they save you a lot of time by eliminating the need to put on a lot of makeup every time you head out the door. While eyelash extensions create a lot of conveniences, they also need proper care. Do you know how to wash them properly? It is important to know the correct ways to wash eyelash extensions, particularly if you are a newbie. For people without experience, it is difficult to clean eyelash extensions.
Giving your eyelash extensions is a delicate task, which needs to be done in a proper and correct manner. If you started using lashes for the first time, let us help you with some expert cleaning tips.
Why Cleaning Your Eyelash Extensions is Necessary!
If you are an eyelash extension user, you should definitely be aware of the step-by-step process used to wash it. Everything that you use or wear needs proper attention and care. However, taking care of the eyelash extensions is even more important because you wear them on your eyes. The eyes are very sensitive parts of the human body. So, cleaning the eyelash extensions in a proper manner means you’ll keep your eyes safe from any kind of infection or allergy. On the other hand, eyelash extensions are a costly item to have and use. If you clean the lashes properly and on a regular basis, you can ensure that they remain in excellent condition for a longer period. As a smart eyelash extensions user, you must know what to do and what to avoid while you give the extensions a wash. Whether or not you apply the eye makeup on top of the extensions, the lashes will always need some upkeep and cleaning.

Eyelash Extension Washing: What to Do
When did you get the eyelash extensions? You need to know for how long you have been wearing the extensions. After you have put on the extensions, you should give them at least 48 hours of time for a wash.
If you wash your extensions any sooner than this, you may undo the glue bond which holds your natural lashes and the extensions together. After you have given the eyelash extensions enough time, as stated before, you can go on and clean the extensions without causing them any damage. To keep them last longer, experts suggest you wash the extensions 2-3 times every week.
Use only top-quality products or solutions to wash your eyelash extensions. You’ll come across a variety of products that are specially meant for cleaning extensions. Make sure you choose reputable products or anti-bacterial solutions. This will ensure proper wash and good eye health.
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Eyelash Extension Washing: What Not to Do
When giving your eyelash extensions a wash, there are a couple of things that you should not do. First and foremost, don’t go for cheap or low-quality products.
Many people use micellar water for washing extensions. Don’t use such products because they will damage the glue bond which attaches to your natural lashes with the eyelash extensions. Also, don’t use make-up remover wipes to wash makeup off your eyelash extensions. Oils and other compounds present in the remover will make your extension fall out sooner than it would normally. With eyelash extensions, makeup wipes don’t work well even on the face.
One important thing you should keep in mind is not to rub your eyes while you wash your extensions. If you want your lashes to last longer, you should never rub your eyes as the lashes will fall out much earlier.
In fact, rubbing is a complete no-no in any case. Rubbing on the extensions will cause damage to the falsies. Not only that, but consistent rubbing will also do harm to your own natural eyelashes. Many people use sponges to wash their eyelash extensions. Whether it is a sponge, buds, makeup pads, or face clothes, you should avoid using these to give your false eyelashes a wash.
Tips to Wash Your Extensions
By now, you are hopefully aware of what to do and what not to do with your eyelashes to have them last longer. Let us now guide you through the process of cleaning your extensions in a proper manner.
The first step is to remove the eye makeup with a makeup remover that is free from oil and glycol. Actually, you should avoid using eye makeup. When you have a gorgeous pair of eyelash extensions to transform the beauty of your eyes, you don’t really need to put on additional eye makeup.
But, if you have makeup, start removing it with the help of a Q-tip with some remover solution. Remember to use it to wipe across the lid while leaving out the lashes. Now, put some cool water on your eyes and eyelashes so that they become wet. Then take a little amount of foaming cleanser on a mascara wand and move it gently through the lashes. In this way, you’ll be able to remove dirt and oil. Rinse the mascara wand and run it through the lashes again in the same way. Keep on doing this until you have removed all the cleanser from the lashes. Splash some water on your eyes, as this will help you wash away all the remaining cleanser.
Now, all the dirt, oil, and foam have gone away from your lashes. So, you should give the extensions some time to dry. You can give the lashes gentle dabs or simply leave them to dry up on their own. Finally, use the mascara wand again to run through the lashes so they spread out.
What Kind of Eyelash Extensions Do You Have?
Eyelash extensions are quite popular for the attractive and luxurious look they lend to people’s eyes – whether celebrities or common people. If you are planning to shorten your morning beauty routine, you can choose from different types of extensions. At the Hair Essentials Salon Studios in Ann Arbor, MI, we offer professional extensions such as Sable, Mink, Faux Mink, Silk, etc. Apart from these, there are synthetic eyelash extensions as well for people on a budget. The method of application at our salon studio and the level of maintenance needed vary from one type of extension to another. We can help you find the extension that suits your needs best.
Let people give you wonderful compliments and draw them into your eyes with an eyelash extension that you prefer. Our experts will apply them correctly in a clean and hygienic environment.
At Hair Essentials Salon Studios, we provide a wide variety of salon services such as a nail salon and a barbershop. For more details on eyelash extensions and useful tips on how to wash and care for them, give our Hair salon a phone call now!